Friday, November 20, 2009

My Very Own Only Happens On TV Story(This Is an Old BlogBut thought it fit )

I wasn't really sure when I was going to do this,for some reason now seems like the best time. Keep in mind this is all you will need to know about me. 1 year ago today my life changed forever.What I thought life was and what I thought it should be didn't matter anymore. I was just wondering if I had any life left at all as i lay on the floor reciting the Lords Prayer and asking God to take care of my children,I could feel each breath getting harder to take in and all the voices were so distant. I just knew this was my ending. On July 7 2005 at 3:02 am I was shot in the chest as I walked outside the bar I was at to use my cell phone and what I thought were left over fireworks from the holiday was actually gunfire.To this day I'm still unsure what the argument was about.I can only assume . I just knew everything was about to change. It changed so many things .My kids took such good care of me and I thank them for that.I am positive that they are the reason I was left on this earth. I am just so thankful I get to see them move on with their lives. I lost alot of friends during my 8 months of recovery,but who needs friends that leave when you need them the most. I gained many new friends who still call me the miracle girl or Mom.I did gain alot from the whole experience. I now have the knowledge that anything can happen to anyone at anytime at any place be it good or bad .... I trust my instincts more than I ever did (that nite something told me to leave and I didn't listen I will never ignore a gut feeling again)...The one thing I do regret is that the man who shot me is still out there ...but I can't dwell on that I only will dwell on the positives ...Good things do come from bad situations ...I gained the strength that I needed to survive ...I regained my faith...I retained my life ....I did change ALOT ,but only for the better ....YES ANGELS EXIST AND I THANK MINE EVERYDAY....
As I sit here today on this anniversary of sorts I am thinking about many things ,but most of all I am thankful for my LIFE , at one point I really couldn't take the pain and almost didn't want this Gift I was given ...This chance to appreciate LIFE and what comes with it ....I feel now with it being one year since all this happened I am amazed at how far I have come 8 months of recovery and only with a bit of struggle I am back on my feet...LOTS of things have Changed but only for the good and I think now I can close this part and get on one year brings with it some closure that i have needed ....So to whomever did this to me that nite i am OK with the fact they run the streets of Dallas still I'm sure eventually KARMA will catch up him!! I am POSITIVE of that .....So today is going to be the last day of one year of changes adjustment starting over pain disappointment and thinking back to a nite that changed me and mine forever...we will now forever be content with this second chance I have been given to be a mom , a friend ,a person who is once again whole and complete....